So what’s with the name?

Gutpunch isn’t just about watching movies; we’re about feeling them deep in your gut. Our name reflects the impact we want our cinematic experiences to have on you – a punch to the senses, an emotional jolt, a memorable moment that leaves you craving more. We strive to elevate stories by diverse voices to give you a unique movie going experience.

Unforgettable Events

Our journey goes beyond traditional cinema. We're known for hosting some of the most creative and fun-filled events in Upstate SC. From immersive "Movie Parties" to art-inspired movie nights, movie dinners, video art galleries and more. Gutpunch is all about making your movie-going experience extraordinary. We believe that films should be celebrated, discussed, and cherished in a way that brings people together and sparks inspiration.


At Gutpunch Cinema, we're more than just a startup; we're a community of cinephiles, creatives, and storytellers. We invite you to join us on this cinematic journey, where every movie is a chance to explore, every event is an adventure, and every partnership is a step towards a more inclusive and vibrant world of cinema. Together, we'll continue to redefine what it means to be moved by the magic of movies.


We her at Gutpunch are working tirelessly to bring you new channels and ways of experiencing movies. From our PUNCH CLUB movie club to our forthcoming GUTPUNCH ZINE. We have Lot’s of surprises in store. Not to mention we are expanding our brand into some non-cinema centered events in 2024. Stick around for a whole new generation of entertainment in Upstate SC!

Join the team

We always need an extra hand, a volunteer, a friend. Reach out an let us know what your strengths are. Let’s work together to make revolutionize the film community in Upstate SC.


  • We currently organize pop up events across upstate South Carolina with a physical location coming in 2024 in the north side community of Spartanburg.

  • None of this would be possible without our fantastic partners who share our love for art and creativity. We've teamed up with incredible venues like Swanson's Warehouse and Paper Moon Studios, who provide us with the canvas to paint our cinematic dreams. Rattlesnake Press, an art magazine that celebrates art in the Carolinas, is another partner who shares our vision and passion adn we often collaborate.